Wednesday, August 28, 2013


We had a fabulous fun filled 4 days with Kelly, Andrew, Jenna, Austin, and Emily.  We swam, floated, noodled, snorkeled, sailed, fished, played volleyball, played dominoes, fixed fantastic dinners, hiked to waterfalls (the kids jumped off the falls) learned about the island and experienced life on a boat.

We loved the time we got to spend with these special young adults.   Thanks for coming!!!

Andrew enjoying a Stag beer after volleyball.

Austin fishing.  Too bad it was not catching just fishing.

Austin helping the girls get into a one man kayak.  The giggles and laughter warmed my heart.

More fun in the galley.

Emily with conch shells after volleyball.

Emily, Kelly and Jenna after a falls jump!!

The hike to Seven Sisters falls.

Jenna jumping off a 35 foot waterfall.  WOW  All the kids jumped the falls.

More hilarity !!!!

Kels after her jump off the 35 foot falls.  It was so scary.

Andrew and Kel on the van ride to Seven Sisters falls.

Kelly and Emily sleeping on the tramp.

Our guide, Super Butterfly in yellow, with our kids when they arrived at the last jump.

Looking down the river.

Moon rise over the mountain.

 Super Butterfly, our guide, was fantastic.  He showed us many things on the way to the falls.  Here he is in a tree picking a guava fruit.   He showed us flowers, herbs, fruits, vegetables etc on our hike.

Super Butterfly coaching Emily down a falls where you had to brace your self against the sides of the mountains to get down.   He did this for each person.   How great is that?

Super Butterfly showing the nutmeg fruit.

Volleyball with the cruisers.  Austin on the left in striped shirt, Andrew in the back getting ready to serve.

The view from top of the falls where you jumped.   Look at how small we are below.

Another falls where Super Butterfly was coaching.

Thanks Shane from Moonshine for the pics.


  1. Excellent fun! I'm so glad you had such a good time. I love the picture of Donna laughing! Miss you guys!

  2. OMG this is AWESOME!!! Warms my heart to think about all the fun you guys had together - just GREAT!!!!
