On Saturday, October 12th, we hiked around Mt Hartman Bay up and over a mountain and ended up on the road to Grand Anse where we had a swim and dinner. It was a blast. Hard hike for me with the bum knee but would not have missed it for anything. John estimated that it was about 4 miles. Hills were steep going up and down. Ah for the days of when you would run down the hills with no fear of falling!
l-r Kirk&Donna; John & Kathy of Oceana; Chris& Linda of Troubador; Glen of Amore ( Dalynn photographer)
Our boat is in the middle of this pic. You can see the yellow kayak just in front of the mast.
This is to give you an idea of how high we hiked. We were not even to the top yet but stopped for this photo shot.
This is at the top. You can barely make out the bull behind on the left. He has light colored horns. He was tied with a chain. A little further across from him was momma and baby. Momma was right in our path, but she did move over and watched us carefully. Baby on the other hand was most skittish. All animals looked good which is great for around here. We also saw a momma goat with babies. Little babies, they were so cute. She was not very friendly either.
This house was so colorful and maintained. Most are not. I just had to take a pic.
The group enjoying dinner.
We really had a good time. A band started at 7 and they were full of talent.
Last night was a first for me. Kirk rode the bus to Whisper Cove for jam session and I stayed at Mt Hartman. I had to go get him in the dark...... Donna in the dingy at night by herself. Another first!
That is one of the things I like about a lot of the houses in the keys, they are painted bright beach colors!